STILL LIFE WITH GINGER JAR acrylic on canvas

' Keep painting. God will do the rest '. The words of the great Master, Paul Cezanne. How many times I thought of those words as I struggled in front of a canvas feeling utterly lost, without the necessary skill to pull off my vision. It was a simple vision. To learn how to paint by studying the old Masters until my own art emerged. To start with no skill and become an artist. For artists are not only born. Van Gogh taught me that a person has to reach out for the art by picking up the paint brush. So for three and a half years thats what I did. For one year I sketched and used pastel. For two and a half years I painted. The fruit of those two plus years I have made available on this web site as an inspiration to anyone who wants to learn how to paint. You may have a hidden talent that you didn't know you had that is waiting to be discovered.